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Child Safety

The safety of young people is paramount at Waterford Youth Arts.

Waterford Youth Arts has a dedicated Child Protection Policy statement for the safe participation of young people. The Policy provides for a Child Protection Officer on the team at Waterford Youth Arts to whom all protection concerns can be directed. 
All staff, volunteers, leaders, artists and adults are vetted with the National Vetting Bureau.

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Waterford Youth Arts - Child Protection (summary)


Waterford Youth Arts has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Statement, which is available to all. What follow is a summary of the policy provisions.

Leaders, youth workers, volunteers and all engaged in relevant work at WYA receive training in Child Protection procedures and are vetted with the National Vetting Bureau.

Waterford Youth Arts is committed to a child-centered approach to our work with children and young people. We undertake to provide a safe environment and experience, where the welfare and safety of the child/young person is paramount. We adhere to 'Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children’, (2011).

Waterford Youth Arts has implemented procedures covering:

- Code of behavior for all youth leaders;
- Reporting concerns
- Confidentiality
- Recruitment and selection of youth leaders
- Managing and supervision of youth leaders
- Advice, Guidance and Support

- Procedures relating to incidents and accidents


Designated person (Child protection officer)

Ollie Breslin

T. +353 51 879 377 (daytime) and 086-1759188.

Ollie is Artistic Director of WYA and as Designated person, is responsible for dealing with any issues related to child protection and welfare in the organisation. Ollie's role is to respond to any concerns that may be identified.

Deputy-designated person

Breda Murphy

Breda is a member of Board of Directors of Waterford Youth Arts and can be contacted when the Designated Person is unavailable. It will be made very clear to all staff, parents / carers /responsible adults and children / young people who the designated person and the deputy are and how to contact them.


If we have concerns about the welfare of the child/young person we will:

Respond to the needs of the child or young person, act in line with policy on safety, inform the primary carers on an ongoing basis unless this action puts the child or young person at further risk. Where there are child protection and welfare concerns we are obliged to pass these on to the duty social worker and, in an emergency, the Gardaí. In the event of a complaint against a member of staff, we will immediately ensure
the safety of the child/young person and inform parents/carers/responsible adults as appropriate.


Complaints and comments procedure

WYA has a complaints and comments procedure and primary carers, children/young people and staff can contact the Administrator Cathy Hanrahan by post or by email: post to: WYA, The Arch, Barrack Street, Waterford.
Complaints/comments will be responded to within one month
The Administrator has responsibility for directing complaints/comments to the
appropriate person. Verbal complaints will be logged and responded to within one month.

© 2025  Waterford Youth Arts

Registered in Ireland No: 348043 / CHY 13110 / CRA 20039950

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T. +353 51 879377

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