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Charter Of Rights for Members of WYA

WYA put together this Charter of Rights in 2014 when a series of workshops happened with the Members Committee (representative group for members) and they drew up this Charter. All new members of WYA should be given a copy of the Charter of Rights when they join WYA.
You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect regardless of your age, gender, race, ethnicity, faith, ability or sexuality
You have the right to feel safe and not to be bullied. This includes outside of workshops where other members interact with you e.g. in school, or on the internet. Otherwise you won’t feel safe coming to WYA
You have the right to complain
The right to express your views and have your opinions taken seriously.
You have the right to take part in important decisions that affect the future of WYA
You have the right to special help if you have particular problems or if you have a disability.
As a member of WYA you are expected to: commit to the creative process; learn new creative skills; have fun and take on leadership within the organisation.
All members have these rights; they are unconditional and cannot be taken away. However you also have the responsibility to respect other people’s rights, their values and culture.
If you feel your rights have not been upheld or you have in anyway been treated unfairly you can speak to any adult within WYA including volunteers, staff or tutors and the matter will be followed through. All complaints will be investigated by staff and / Management Committee and appropriate action will take place. Throughout this process you will be kept informed.
All new members to receive this charter when they join and all tutors to go over this charter sometime in the first three weeks of all workshop terms.
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