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Drama Workshops 

At the core of the work of Waterford Youth Arts is our Drama Workshop Programme.


The workshop programme is broken up into three different age groups. Drama workshops aims to cover all aspects of drama and theatre work including character work, improvisation, story development, ensemble work, working with a script, etc. But more importantly workshops centre around groupwork; the approach places an emphasis on working as a team. Other very important aspects include developing young people’s confidence, leadership skills and making friends and having fun.

Our team of youth drama facilitators includes Sinead Hourigan and Laura Broderick. 

Sinéad Hourigan is a theatre maker from the South East. Her most recent theatre credits include: Assistant Director for Waterford Youth Art's production of ‘Is This Good Enough?’ for NT Connections 2023. Stage Manager for production of ‘Macbeth’, Little Red Kettle 2022. Stage Manager/Sound Designer/Costume Designer for Waterford Youth Arts I’m Just A Girl, What the F**K Would I Know, 2022. Stage Manager/Assistant Director for Waterford Youth Arts NT Connections production Remote 2022. Director of ‘A Silent Message’ by Martina Collender for Waterford Youth Arts 2022. 


Sinéad holds B.A. in Theatre & Drama Studies from Cork School of Music. During her four years of studying she acted in the 3rd year show as Alice from ‘Half Penny Opera’ directed by Johnny Hanrahan before pursuing further experience in theatre making, stage managing her final year show ‘Love & Information’ directed by Regina Crowley. Sinéad is most proud of the radio play project‘Osama the Hero’ by Dennis Kelly which she directed in her final year of study. Sinéad furthered her practice in an ERASMUS+ programme with Waterford Youth Arts, training with theatre companies from Norway, Poland and Italy.


Sinéad is a Youth Theatre facilitator with Waterford Youth Arts. This work means a lot to Sinéad, Waterford Youth Arts is where she first nurtured her love for theatre, joining as a youth member when she was 8yrs old. Through the workshop programme, she shares the joy of theatre, from acting techniques to voice training and self tapes. Sinéad mentors youth participants in sound, costume, set and prop design and stage management. 

6pm - 8pm



8pm - 10pm


Sinéad is hoping to advance her directing career further within the next few years. She is also hoping to jump back into her acting in the future.

Laura has been working with Waterford Youth Arts since 2022, facilitating Youth Drama workshops for children aged 9-11 yrs. Laura is interested in how theatre can benefit the development of children and young people.


She designs her classes in ways that assist the development of children's social and creative skills. Laura enjoys keeping the classes interactive, immersive and fresh with new experiences each week for the young people to create, often including script writing and improvisation.


Laura continues to bring fresh and new ideas to help inspire and nurture the children's imaginative skills. 

Workshops Timetable



15-19 years:   6pm - 8pm (Group 1)

                               8pm - 10pm (Group 2)

9-11   years:   4:30 pm- 6pm

12-14 years:   6:15pm - 7:45pm

For Further Information: WYA, The Arch Barrack Street, X91 YX7Y

Tel. 051 879377


© 2025  Waterford Youth Arts

Registered in Ireland No: 348043 / CHY 13110 / CRA 20039950

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T. +353 51 879377

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